Nylon dog collar with identification patches quick release buckle
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Top Quality Dog Collar With The Lead Attached To D-Ring
Schutzhund training is an important period in life of every dog. We would like to pay your attention to a new top notch nylon collar-the most popular patch dog collar! Meaningful white printing on the patches looks fantastically against black background of wide nylon strap. The printing was made professionally using special technique of applying the text on fabric. Your dog wearing this collar will be noticeable from a distance and nobody will doubt his significance. Delighted passers-by will remember your dog but your neighbors will know that a hero lives in close proximity to them. Very elegant lightweight dog collar features easy quick release buckle and control D-ring. With our collar you’re sure to succeed in making your dog a prosperous social individual. Comparing the collar’s price with that put on other primitive collars you may realize that you are going to make a good trade right away..
You will get a pair of patches with this collar. But if you need more patches, you are welcome to click here and order them.
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Schutzhund exclusive identification nylon collar
Heavy duty nylon dog collar for everyday training
Key features of this Schutzhund Dog Collar: - Stretch proof nylon strap
- Easy quick release buckle
- Steel nickel plated D-ring to attach a lead
- Resistant to weather
- Increased durability
- Absolutely safe
- Adjustability of collar size
- Identification patches on both sides
| Intended use of this Schutzhund Dog Collar: - Obedience training
- Patrolling
- Handling active dogs
- Regular walks
Sizes available: - S 18 - 21 inches (45 - 52 cm)
- M 20 - 25 inches (50 - 61 cm)
- L 24 - 34 inches (61 - 85 cm)
- Width - 1 1/2 inch (40 mm)
| Available colors: |
Please though skim over the collar's details described below; tell the truth, they are really worth knowing.
A couple of words to be said of due comfort of outdoor gear that is obligatory when it comes to equipping a four-footed friend of yours.
As a matter of fact, we do not even know how to make low quality goods for so innocent creatures as dogs are. Select materials plus improved manufacturing technique are responsible for the same good quality of our handmade production for dogs. These two partials are of primary importance, of course, but we do not settle for the knowledge we have already got we try to move with the times. Besides superior quality of this collar it has stylish and modern look and you will never have to blame with shame that your dog is equipped anyhow….
This collar is meant to serve you for many years and your care for it is to be minimal indeed. Periodical washing is quite enough for the collar to have the same look as it has when you buy it. Super strong nylon will never tear or come apart-all its fibers are heavily bounded and sewn inside for extra durability. Do involve your dog in hard agitation training without worrying about the collar’s reliability! The buckle is plastic and very robust. It is securely built in the nylon by heavy stitching. Now you know that the nylon is wearproof, but the buckle is impossible to undo if you do not push the red button on it. When a dog pulls on the leash attached to the D-ring you must know that you are in total control of your him as D-ring will not bend or break.
Identification patches do invaluable turn. Do you want everyone to know who your dog is? The patches are not simple nicknames but serious vital descriptions. A lot of people got in trouble will be very grateful for you when your dog comes to their rescue. The patches do not decorate the dogs wearing patch collars but do invaluable work-inform surrounding people how courageous and self-sacrificing these canine representatives.