Leather dog collar for tracker dogs/ Dog collar with attractive handmade brass covered plates
Let us guess what you want to find in our online dog shop… You are likely to have tried a lot of dog training accessories but all of them appear to have been useless for your dog’s education. Or have not you still been disappointed with dog equipment? And are you just about to find something extra ordinary but good for your dog? Then, we would like you to start using professional reliable dog gear as soon as possible as dogs are to be trained for the avoidance of unnecessary problems with them in future.
Being in search of dog collar you may meet numerous unconscientious dealers who will try shoving their merchandises at very high price. It is an awful situation. You are lucky that you are here with us. You have the opportunity to get best dog product for your pet-Exclusive Dog Collar That Is Made Of Select Materials: Superior Leather With Finest Finish Intentionally Chosen For It. Moreover, it has unique decoration-super fashion and distinguished. Get this Customized Leather Dog Collar for your tasks dog - let him learn Schutzhund program eagerly!
The collar represented on the page is just what your dog needs. This hand crafted creation combines elegancy and quality, reliability and unsurpassed design. Decorative amazing plates will emphasize your dog’s personality; high quality leather will be responsible for the collar’s long service life. Treated leather edges and absence of seams on it surfaces will provide maximal comfort of your dog while his having the collar on.
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Custom made leather dog collar for different purposes
Customized Leather Dog Collar is perfectly oiled and riveted
Key features of this Schutzhund Dog Collar: - Sturdy, thick and soft natural leather
- Top quality handmade product
- Stunning design
- Brass covered exclusive plates
- Nickel plated buckle and D-Ring
- Good width
- Rounded edges
- Extreme strength
- Very comfortable
- Necessarily riveted for additional durability
| Intended use of this Schutzhund Dog Collar: - Styilsh walks
- Dog training/education
- Management of strong dogs
- Other dog activities
Sizes available: | Available colors: |
How to measure your Working Dog for appropriate fit of the Collar:
Please be advised that:
- For buckle collar when you specify neck size we will make collar fit on central hole.
- There will be total of 5 holes and distance between each 2 holes is 1 inch (25 mm).
- For example: your dogs neck size is 20 inches (50 cm). Collar will fit on central hole at 20 inches (50 cm).
- There will be 2 smaller size holes - 18 inch (45 cm) and 19 inch (47.5 cm).
- There will be 2 bigger size holes - 21 inch (52.5 cm) and 22 inch (55 cm).
- There will also be tip of the collar after last hole about 2 inch long (5 cm).
- Those are handcrafted collars and some sizes will differ a little (not in significant way).
- 2 ply leather collars and padded leather collars are 1 inch bigger to make sure that it will fit your dog.
The collar is truly dependable item as you will not find any disadvantages in it. It consists of continuous benefits and merits.
Needless to say that leather things are of great value and the value increases if it is handmade leather product that is constructed from premium leather material. This Customized Leather Dog Collar is just the one collar which is highly sought after. It accounts for its low price, new design, unique characteristics and, of course, due comfort. It is made out of finest leather-full grain leather-best leather which contains no toxicants. Leather of that sort looks prettier day by day if properly treated. We, in turn, treated the leather in obedience to the prescribed requirements of leather working and with professionalism which had been achieved by us for long industrious years… Schutzhund dogs are successful trainees when you train them professionally. This collar is a professional training mean for all dog breeds.
After numerous investigations we concluded that width of a collar mattered a lot. We cut this collar straight and chose the width for it that equals 1 1/2 inch (40 mm). The collar is wide enough to be comfortably worn. The width is excellent as episodes of skin damages have not been noticed when dog is in the collar. The Customized Leather Dog Collar is well-fitted as it is not heavy or light-its weight is perfect. Thanks to that the collar sits on the dog perfectly.
The collar is your comfort and reward. If managing your dog without collar you are unlikely to cope with him but it is another cup of tea when the collar is your assistant. Its respectful treatment of a dog strikes a lot. Though collars are considered to be less reliable than harnesses when handling active dogs this collar is rather an exception to the rules-it does not discomfort the dog at all but teaches him useful things which will be helpful throughout the dog’s long life. It is a great alternative to any other dog equipment!
Check how our products look on the dogs / Pictures from Customers
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Awesome Tervuren collar with brass plates
Tervuren black leather collar of genuine materials with d-ring for leash attachment for walking
Tervuren black leather collar with rust-resistant plates for quality control
Tervuren black leather collar with rustless brass plated hardware for daily activity
Tervuren black leather collar adjustable with traditional buckle for professional use
Take a Look at the Collar in 3D