Stylish leather dog collar is famous for its great ancient design
Special offer for dog handlers! Fascinating Custom Leather Dog Collar is a novelty of invention! The finest quality leather dog collar riveted with brass covered fittings and decorated with a row of proportional handset adornment is a piece of equipment. True love for your pet is measured by your investment in him. The investment consists in time contribution to his upbringing, great patience and of course purchase of relevant training gear. Carefully developed in keeping with best traditions this collar is also a historical value. Amazing nickel covered plates are duly fixed by hand. Flat smooth plates are high quality metal decorations that were individually made by skilful makers. Cut straight and smooth leather strap will not rub your dog’s neck as its edges are rounded. No need to buy another dog collar of questionable quality when such a phenomenal product is ready for effective use. Handmade canine accessories are available in our pet boutique.
Schutzhund training cannot be a failure if you prefer using proper educative equipment. Reliable training equipment can be a perfect mean of communication between the two – dog handler and his pet. Easily communicating with your dog you manage to duly educate him, to impart necessary knowledge to him. Your dog is certain to make a prosperous trainee if you choose correct training tactics. Educational equipment + helpful facility will do your dog nothing but good. You won’t do without assistant mean when teaching your canine. Schutzhund program is complicated but not incomprehensible. Your dog breed will always follow your instructions if you manage him cleverly.
With our new collar you will proudly engage your pet in different occupations – professional and amateur ones. Do not you know that canine accessories to be made by our designers are extremely beneficial – they have all desirable qualities because of industrious labor, professional knowledge, advanced manufacturing technique used when making them. It is best leather collar of ours – absolutely great and matchless.
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Schutzhund dog breed leather collar is fantastic choice for your dog
Fancy canine collar fits perfectly Schutzhund dog breeds
Key features of this Schutzhund Dog Collar: - Strongest full grain top quality leather
- Nickel plated buckle and D-ring
- Nickel covered large decorative plates
- Carefully riveted
- Very wide
- Soft and durable
- Heavy oil treated
- Convenient and handy
- Comfortable
| Intended use of this Schutzhund Dog Collar: - Raising large dog breeds
- Dog socialization
- Dog training/education
- Regular walks
- Vet/groomer visiting
- Receiving guests
- Enjoyable pastime
Sizes available: - over 15 sizes
- width - 1 1/2 inch (40 mm)
| Available colors: - Black
- Brown
- Tan (natural color)
How to measure your Schutzhund Dog for good fit Collar:
Please be advised that:
- For buckle collar when you specify neck size we will make collar fit on central hole.
- There will be total of 5 holes and distance between each 2 holes is 1 inch (25 mm).
- For example: your dogs neck size is 20 inches (50 cm). Collar will fit on central hole at 20 inches (50 cm).
- There will be 2 smaller size holes - 18 inch (45 cm) and 19 inch (47.5 cm).
- There will be 2 bigger size holes - 21 inch (52.5 cm) and 22 inch (55 cm).
- There will also be tip of the collar after last hole about 2 inch long (5 cm).
- Those are handcrafted collars and some sizes will differ a little (not in significant way).
- 2 ply leather collars and padded leather collars are 1 inch bigger to make sure that it will fit your dog.
Your dog will like being collared as this collar will not ever discomfort him! Communicate with your dog closer – it is quite easy with our fantastical collar! Fully leathern collar has elements of decoration. Decorated collar is not only walking facility, but also powerful educative tool. Is your dog breed big or small? Fat to thin? This collar can be adjusted to any neck size. Buy this best leather collar to make your dog happier wearer!
We know that this dog collar will suit any dog breed as it is absolutely safe for dog health. We produce our dog production by ourselves following specified requirements in respect of quality and safety of handmade dog goods. We thoroughly studied dog anatomy, we are aware of the diseases common to different dog breeds and on this basis we have manufactured dog wear. This dog collar is an embodiment of quality, comfort and sophistication. These three characteristics are important for everyday dog accessory.
It is beautiful, elegant, stylish dog equipment that is functional and reliable at the same time. This collar may be used for different kinds of training. If you take your dog out in this collar he will have grand air and make a conquest of unknown people. Antiqued rusted nickel covered plates add superiority to working dog’s appearance. Hard working dogs are destined to be engaged in the services which people prescribe for them. These dogs are true heroes! Their self-sacrificing behavior deserves high praise. And the least we can do for them is to find good comfortable equipment to be worn by them during work. This dog collar is a nice protection for your dog. Wearing this Custom Leather Dog Collar no dog breed will suffer from skin rubbing. The collar does not interfere with normal breathing.
Do not be afraid of wearing your dog in a decorated collar. This collar is ideal for exhaustive training though it looks showy. Large attractive plates cover leather wide strap. They will not fall out when your pet is involved in dynamic activity – each plate is secured with 2 brass plated rivets. The decoration is only optical illusion and fashionable adornment. The collar’s real destination is to teach your dog Schutzhund.
Nickel plated hardware is worth mentioning. We cast it according to all the rules of welding. The nickel plated hardware is proudly cast. It is heavy duty unbreakable metalware that resistant to rust in addition. Nickel plating has pretty white color of silver-noble metal greatly appreciated by familiars. It is not all information about the hardware. We should say this it is high quality hardware which sturdy buckle and Dee Ring are strongest. This traditional buckle will never let you down-when correctly connected the buckle will not open on its own. Even if your dog pulls hard on the leash the buckle will sturdily stand this pressure. Schutzhund training is a happy event with the help of this dog collar!
Starting a dog one should take care of safety of other people in the first instance. This collar is sure to keep your dog from breaking loose. Thick leather of this collar is stretch and tear proof and D-ring with attached to it lead will not break. (We have a great number of matching leashes in Schutzhund-dog-store. Contact us to place your order). With help of this Custom Leather Dog Collar you will be of permanent control of your dog. Your dog in turn will be happy to be in close contact with you. Undisciplined dog is a useless dog and a threat to society. Do not neglect the best pet supplies - improve your dog's training conditions - train him with this collar!
Please, be advised:- Treat the collar with water repellent and leather conditioner to prolong its service.
Do not allow your pet to chew the item not to spoil it.
- Damaged gears are not recommended to be used.