Difference between human world and that of dogs'
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The notions “correct” and “incorrect”, “good” and “bad” are
purely humane ones. These notions do not exist in the world of
animals. Dog acts in accordance with the instincts and acquired
reflexes deposited in it. Yes, it has its own intellect, but it is
quite different than that of a man’s.
But what is the education through prevention”?
It is the limitation of the space where a puppy will be able to
walk freely during the period of time when you can’t control and
supervise it. For that purpose you are recommended to have a
training ground for your puppy and later when the dog gets bigger
you should acquire a cage which is used for transportation of dog
by air and a fenced ground (open-air cage).
Cage is not a prison!
Here is a typical reaction of people when they are offered to use
a cage: “I do not want to keep my dog in bonds!” And it is quite
understandable. We feel guilty watching the animals in zoological
gardens, and, naturally, we want people to treat dogs humanely.
In fact, a temporary confinement is not a cruelty towards a
dog. Of course if you are not going to practice upon this
procedure. Restraint of liberty is necessary to safety of a puppy
itself as well for safety of your property and, eventually, this
is an intermediate stage towards absolute freedom which you will
give the dog afterwards.
But at the start nothing good will come of such freedom; a puppy
just cast you into a chaos and moreover it may get hurt itself. It
is safer to give it freedom in small doses and teach it to use
this freedom correctly.
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