Jute Bite Tugs

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Jute Bite Tugs

What is better than the tools produced from The natural material for the bite teaching? Nothing, of course.
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FEATURED - Schutzhund Tug / Toys

NEW ARRIVALS - Schutzhund Tug / Toys

Jute bite tugs are manufactured from the stuff of plant origin. They include bite rags, tugs, builders, pads, pillows and even rolls. All the equipment is safe for the dog’s health as it includes no injurious chemicals in the composition. The gear produced from jute will do for the dogs who have just started their bite education. The tools can be either equipped with strong nylon handles or without any. The handles assure firm holding of the items during the training session and prevent hands from the possible injuries. Each tug is stitched to guarantee its long service and durability. Search for the item your pet needs badly or order a set of bite tugs to make his education really profitable!

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